Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What is the universal Church? How should the church reflect her unity to the world?

The concept that the church is universal in nature enables us to understand certain New Testament passages more clearly. Believes about the nature about the universal church vary amongst the different branches of Christendom. Evangelical Protestant teach that the universal church is a body of believers stretching across thousand of years of time, from Pentecost to the Rapture, including the dead and many not yet born, that its membership includes believers all over the earth and cut across denominational lines, that the membership are somehow organically related to one another in an undefined, mystical way though they never meet and that this vast collection of believers is one and the same with the Body of Christ which Paul refer ed to in his epistles.

In order to reflect unity to the world, we need to realise that the church of Jesus Christ is one church, Christians of all types should work together whenever possible and cooperation among Christians gives a common witness to the world. Christians who regard church as a unity as essentially spiritual in nature usually emphasise purity of doctrinal belief and lifestyle as criteria for membership. The spiritual unity of believers should show itself or come to expression in goodwill, fellowship and love for one another.

In conclusion, practical expressions of Christian unity have appeared more in organisations or causes that have brought Christians together, without denominational identities.



Jonathan Tan said...

Hi, Brother, I can't agreed with you more on the practical suggestions how the churches coming together to carry out some evangelical activities. how do you resolve the quarrels and fightings when they come together? Serious, I heard you that it happens in Cameron highlands. What do you think about what one pastor says: "If they don't like your doctrine, they may like your ice cream."?

Freddie Ong said...

Hi Joe,
I like the word 'without denominations identities'. I agreed with that but sad to say despite a number of Christian bodies tried to work on this purpose in unifying the Church as a virtue to communicate Christendom as one faith but failed miserably. They ended up more disputes and more new established Christian organisations. Do you have any suggestion on this?

jeromeliew said...

Churches without denominations identities? can you elaborate much upon this? Thanks.
Pastors from different denominations is working hard to come together for fellowship which is encouraging and edifying.
I just wonder whether the shepherds of different denominations come together really discussing issues that cause the differences between them or just work from the agreeable stand. If the differences is so obvious and still didn't work upon it, what is the objective of fellowship together in working/talking about universal church(church without wall).

ndru_c said...

Hi Joe... You mention that the universal church is the body of believers from Pentecost to the Rapture, including the dead and those not yet born. What about the Old Testament saints who died in faith prior to Pentecost? Are they a part of the universal church too? Thanks and God bless..

Eunicelaw said...

Hi Bro,
It is desire of many to have a universal church and unity amnong the denomination but most of the time this is not possible. How can we then show the world that we are unity as a body of Christ?

Joe Iyathurai said...

dear jonathan, well we have come togather(pentecostal,angelician, methodist & catholics) last year for the 1st ever rally in cameron's history. we do have differences, i agree but we can come togather for a common cause acts1:8b and doctrine differences is not new, so, why the heartburn. GB.

Anonymous said...

dear freddie, if we can agree that all denomination brought about goodness to the growth of christianity than we have a common denominator to come togather. GB

Joe Iyathurai said...

dear freddie, if we can agree that all denomination brought about goodness to the growth of christianity than we have a common denominator to come togather. GB

Joe Iyathurai said...

dear jerome, how as a church should we reflect as a unity to the world, we must rememember that Jesus is the head of the church and as shephherds we are to reflect that in our fellowship, so that we can be overcomer for our Lord. i do agree with you but all things are possible if we focus on Christ. GB.

Joe Iyathurai said...

dear ndru, yes it includes the ot saints too, as i have said ' including the death'. GB

Joe Iyathurai said...

dear sister, the word is 'we' , if truly we want to come togather as a unit than nothing can stop us. we are just the foot soldiers for our Lord and we should pretending to be generals. GB.

Jason said...

Hi Bro. Joe,

I love your concept on the universal church. Nonetheless I have some questions which I sincerely hope you might be able to share your view.

1. Are cult churches included the universal church. i.e. Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons etc.

2. I strongly believe that we must BE united for the world to see that we are united. We can only show our unity by being united.

Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier, I appreciate your concept of the universal church. As for these questions, please give me your thoughts on them.

Thank you and God bless you.

DonnyTanTW said...

Hello Joe! I have a bone to pick, please bear with me.

Prior to Pentecost and even prior to the Advent of Christ, the church did not exist. If that is the case, how could the "Old Testament Saints" possibly be part of The Body of Christ?

You must remember that their salvation did not come by placing their faith in Christ. So, can we actually say that the OT saints died in faith? In faith of what?

Raymond Marsden said...

Dear Bro,
You commented that there are some christians who regarded church unity as spiritual in nature and emphasised purity of doctrinal beliefs and lifestyles. I believe all Pentecostals and even the AOG's stand is this and we all should work towards this end. As only as we are spritually united and move as led by the spirit and portray a lifestlye that is holy and pure can we be an effective witness to the world and reflect our unity to the world.

Freddie Ong said...

Hi Joe,
Did you log in to Raymond's blog? I shared much of his view on Conciliar form of church unity. I felt it works much better that the 'organic' means of reflecting the Church to the world. If the Muslims can attend different Mosque each Friday without worries like us, at least the conciliar-form of unity will be of similar presentation of Christ to them. Could you give your comment on this?

Eunicelaw said...

Hi Bro.

I hope that they will be unity in amoung Christians to work together so that the call that Jesus have given us can be fulfilled.